Docklands Primary Care Network - Weekend Appointments

Docklands Primary Care Network

We are here for you at weekends and we want to make it easier for you to get an appointment at a time that suits you. Appointments are available on Saturdays for our patients, in addition to our normal opening hours of 08:00-18:30.

Saturday appointments may take place by phone, video, or face-to-face depending on your clinical need at Royal Docks Medical Practice.

You may be offered an appointment at your GP practice, another local GP practice or another local NHS service.  This is because we are working with other local GP practices to provide these appointments. Our practice is part of a small group of practices called a Primary Care Network. This group of practices works together in a number of ways to deliver services in your area.

Weekend appointments will be provided on Saturdays at the following locations: Royal Docks Medical Practice.

How to book an appointment

Contact your GP practice in the usual way (by phone/in person or online - Mon-Fri 8am-6.30pm) to request an appointment. If your practice is closed and you need support, please contact NHS 111 (by phone or online: 

Evening and Weekends

Evening and weekend appointments are now available